Water to activated Relay circuit
Showing posts with label Sensor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sensor. Show all posts
Fire Alarm LDR
Fire alarm can be made with a light sensor (LDR) as in the article with the title of Fire Alarm with this LDR sensor. Principles of fire detection Fire Alarm with LDR sensor is to detect the presence of smoke through the LDR. LDR in the series Fire Alarm does not stand alone in detecting a fire, but the LDR in the pair with the light shining on the LDR. Hence, in the detected smoke from the fire then the intensity of light received by the LDR LDR decreases and eventually trigger an alarm system on a series of Fire Alarm with this LDR sensor. Part 2 that in the series of Fire Alarm with Sensor LDR are some of the sensors, tone generator, audio power.
Digital Thermometer 0-100.0°Celsius
Digital Thermometer 0-100.0 ° C is a digital thermometer that operates in mode temperature measurement in Celsius (° C). Digital Thermometer 0-100.0 ° C in this article using the form data processing microcontroller AT89C4051. Temperature sensors used in Digital Thermometer 0-100.0 ° C. This temperature sensor LM35D. Digital Thermometer 0-100.0 ° C. It uses the temperature measurement data viewer in the form of 1 line LCD viewer. Digital Thermometer 0-100.0 ° C. It can display the temperature measurement data with a resolution of 0.1 ° C.
Solar tracker With AT89S52
AT89S52 With solar tracker is a tool used to control the direction of the panel Solar Cell for always getting sunlight. AT89S52 With solar tracker uses a light sensor as a light detector. AT89S52 With solar tracker uses dc motors for Solar Cell panels menegendalikan direction. Broadly speaking AT89S52 With Solar tracker may be analogous as a tool to adjust the position of the exposure to the sun solar cell direction by Ensor sensing light and a DC motor which is controlled using a microcontroller AT89S52.
LM35 temperature sensor
LM35 temperature sensor is an electronic component that functions to alter the temperature of physical quantities in the form of a magnitude electrical voltage. LM35 temperature sensor has a parameter that each increase of 1 º C increase by 10mV of output voltage with a maximum limit of the sensor output is 1.5 V at a temperature of 150 ° C. For example, the design use LM35 temperature sensor we set the adc output reaches full scale when the temperature of 100 ° C, so that when the temperature is 100 ° C. The transducer output voltage (10mV / ° C x 100 ° C) = 1V.
Physical form LM35 temperature sensor
Although the LM35 temperature sensor voltage can reach 30 volts but given kesensor is at 5 volts, so it can be used with single power supply with the provision that the LM35 only require a current of 60 μA this means that LM35 has the ability to produce heat (self-heating) of sensors that can cause a low reading error is less than 0.5 º C at a temperature of 25 º C.
The following are the characteristics of the LM35 temperature sensor.
It has a temperature sensitivity, with linear scale factor between voltage and temperature of 10 mVolt / º C, so it can be calibrated directly in Celsius.
Has the accuracy or the accuracy of the calibration is 0.5 º C at a temperature of 25 º C as shown in Figure 2.2.
It has a maximum range of operating temperatures between -55 º C to +150 º C.
Working on a voltage of 4 to 30 volts.
Having a low flow of less than 60 μA.
Having low self-heating (low-heating) that is less than 0.1 º C in still air.
It has a low output impedance is 0.1 W for 1 mA load.
Having not linear only about ± ¼ º C.
Ultraviolet Sensor (Fire Sensor) UV Tron
Ultraviolet Sensor (Fire Sensor) UV Tron is a flame sensor which is often used to detect the presence of sources of ignition under ultraviolet wave emitted by the fire. UV Sensor UV Tron can be applied with a microcontroller, such as ultraviolet UV Tron sensor is used for detecting the source of the fire on the robot in a firefighting robot contest. Tron UV ultraviolet sensor accuracy is very high against the existence of sources of fire, so it is suitable for the purpose of fire fighting robot contest that a small fire source in the form of wax.
Ultraviolet Waves:
Ultraviolet (UV is often abbreviated, of the English language: ultraviolet) are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths shorter than visible light regions, but longer than X-rays are small. UV radiation can be divided into near UV (wavelengths: 380-200 nm) and vacuum UV (200-10 nm). When considering the influence of UV radiation on human health and the environment, the wavelength range is often divided again to UVA (380-315 nm), which is also called the "wave length" or "BlackLight"; UVB (315-280 nm), also called " Medium Wave "(Medium Wave) and UVC (280-10 nm), also called" Short Wave "(Short Wave). Ultraviolet term means "beyond violet" (from the Latin ultra, "beyond"), while the word purple is the color of the shortest wavelength of light from visible light. Some animals, including birds, reptiles, and insects such as bees can see until you reach "nearly UV." Many fruits, flowers and seeds more clearly visible in the background in the UV wavelengths compared with human color vision.
UV Ultraviolet Sensor Module Tron (sensor Fire)
Rain Detector Using 555
Rain Detector Using 555 is a simple alarm that can be used to find out it was raining. In principle, Rain Detector Using 555 is an astable multivibrator which is prepared by IC555 with installed a sensor that can detect water. Astable multivibrator with the 555 is set in the audio frequency with a frequency of 1 KHz. The series of Using Rain Detector 555 can be disupplay with a voltage source that is free enough from 5-15 VDC. In the application circuit Rain Detector Using this 555 can be mounted motor, car or other object that we want to protect from rain.
Water sensors that are used in circuit 555 Rain Detector Using this we can make yourself degan a PCB that we make the path as shown in the image above or as disclosed from the image above is by using aluminum foil taped to a board or boards that are plastic insulator . The important principle of the sensor is to conduct electrical current very well when the surface is exposed to water even a little. Hopefully useful ...
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