Showing posts with label Switches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Switches. Show all posts

Speaker Protector Circuit with DC Protection

Speaker protector function to protect the speakers from damage caused by spikes in the audio signal when first turned on and the DC signal from the audio signal clipping. circuit protectors speakers consist of 2 parts which can protect the speakers are part of the DC signal detection and the delay. Part detetor DC signal composed by 4 pieces arranged diode bridge and a transistor. Then agian delay on the speaker is using a tank circuit protector in the form of capacitors, where the circuit composed of R6, C3, TR2 and TR3. End part of the speaker is using a relay protector. circuit protectors speakers in detail can be seen in the following figure.

Safety Speaker circuit
speaker protector circuit

speaker protector component
Component Speaker Protector Protection
Speaker circuit surge protector is equipped with a flashing indicator made ​​for the postponement of the power amplifier to the speakers. Speaker circuit surge protector can be used to protect the speakers in stereo audio system.

FET Touch Switch

The series of touch this switch be an Sklar sentu made ​​using FET. This circuit serves to activate electronic devices only when we touch touch sensors. Once we release a touch to the sensor, the electronic device that is connected is turned off again. The series of touch switch or touch switch is very simple, composed only of a FET, resistor and capacitor. The series of touch switches / touch switches work with source voltage 12VDC. Detailed series of touch switches / touch switch can be seen in thethe following figure .

FET Touch Switch
FET Touch Switch

The series of touch switches / touch switch can only be used to illuminate DC, 12V DC lamp when it replaced the relay, the circuit can be used safely to load the AC network. Sensor touch to this series was made with 2 pieces of plate are arranged close together (within 1-2mm).

NE555 Touch Switch

The series of touch switch or touch switch is built by IC NE555, a series of touch switches can be used to turn on lights, alarms or other electronic equipment. This circuit uses 2 pieces of metal plate media as touch, MP1 (Metal Plate 1) and MP2 (Metal Plate 2). Touch switch circuit is equipped with a visual LED indicator for relay status (load active). To enable (Relay ON) can be done by touching the surface of MP1 and to turn it off by touching the surface of the MP2. MP1 and MP2 in touch this switch can use a small piece of copper (diameter 5mm) was enough.

Touch Switch series with NE555.
555 Touch Switch

Component List 555 touch Switch
R1 = 3.3M
R2 = 3.3M
R3 = 10K
R4 = 1K
C1 = 10nF-63V
D1 = 1N4007
D2 = Red LED
Q1 = BC547
IC1 = NE555
RL1 = 12V Relay

Switch With Relay Schematic

Light Switch With Relay is a series of electronic switches that are controlled by a series of light received. Light Switch With Relay circuit can be used to control lighting automatically, so the lights can automatically turn on when the room light or the region began to decrease. Limit of light used to activate the electronic switch in the circuit Light Relay Switch With This can be set via the potentiometer P1. P1 setting is basically a light reception sensitivity settings. Light Switch With Relay circuit uses the LDR as the light sensor and an IC 741 as a comparator and reference voltage sensor, relay driver transistor Q1 as as an electronic switch. A complete range of Light Switch With Relay is as follows.
Switch With Relay Schematic

Circuit Light Relay Switch With diats a light switch that will be active when the sensor does not receive light, if you want to turn the tables (the active switch when the sensor receives light) it can be done by reversing the position between the LDR and R1. Diodan D1 serves to avoid the effects of EMF or sparking of the relay coil. The circuit is simple and easy to make, I hope to provide ideas and descriptions in the manufacture of a controlled light switch. Hopefully useful.

Magnetic Switch Circuit

Magnetic switch is a circuit which can respond to magnetic fields that were around the sensor. The series of magnetic switches uses sensors in the form of limit switches that provide an additional metal plate that can respond to a magnet. Magnetic switch circuit is made ​​with an NE555 monostable multivibrator and a flip-flop togle from IC CD4013. The series of magnetic switches uses 12VDC supply voltage and the magnetic circuit is mounted indicator switch which serves to give a signal when the sensors respond to magnetic fields using the LED D1. Here is a complete range of magnetic switches.

Magnetic Switch Circuit

If the limit switches (sensors), active (connected) then it will get multivibrator NE555 triger signal and provides output pulses to be used to provide input signals to the flip-flop togle Relay K1 and active. Then when the sensors (limit switches respond to the magnetic field again, the multivibrator will give togle pulse as input to the flip-flop relay K1 and non-active.

1 Lamp with 2 switches

Series 1 light 2 switch configuration is intended to control lights from two locations arefar apart. Application of series 1 light with 2 switches are often implemented in thehallway or tunnel. In the application in a hallway or tunnel, with a series like this we can turn on or turn off the light from each tunnel or hallway door. The number of lights can bereproduced by paralleling. The circuit is very simple because only built of 1 and 2pieces of fruit lamp selector switch. If you want to use a lamp with a power greater then the switch can be replaced with 1 piece contactor (relay) for each switch. Then switchused to turn on and turn off the relay replacement S1 and S2.

The working principle with 2 series 1 light switch is the light will light when the S1 and S2 different position, and the lights will be on at the time of the switch position S1 and S2 together. In the installation of switches S1 and S2 each put at the end of the hallway or tunnel.

Simple Light Switch

Light switch is a simple circuit that can be used to control the LEDs based on surrounding light. Sensors used to detect the light on this circuit using LDR Light Switches. This circuit uses only three transistors and a few supporting components. As a contactor for Light Switches lamp circuit uses relay. To set the sensitivity of the exposure can be adjusted by adjusting R7. Light Switches circuit uses a source of DC voltage 9-12 Volt. For more details can be viewed directly from the following series of images.

Light Switches Series
Simple Light Switch
Component List:
R1 4.7 K
R2 1.2 K
R3 2.2 K
R4 1.2 K
R5 1.2 K
R6 2.7 K
R7 100 K
C1 10 uF/16V
TR1 BC107-BC108
TR2 BC107-BC108
TR3 BC557-BC558
D1 1N4148

Light Switch Series With Photo Transistor

Light switches can be made from beberpa kinds of light sensors. Following a series of light switches are made using a photo transistor light sensors. The series of light switches or light control switch is very simple, because it is made with 1 piece of transistors, 1 piece of photo transistor, 1 relay, 1 bauh variable resistors and diodes. The series of light switches can work on the voltage 6-12 VDC or DC voltage that judgments in accordance with the relay is used. To set the sensitivity of the exposure is set by VR1. Photo Light Switch Series With these transistors can be used to control some lights in parallel with the power depends on the ability of the relay is used.

Light Switch Series With Photo Transistor
Light Switch Series With Photo Transistor
Light Switch Series With Photo Transistor above can be used to control garden lights, street lamps, or lamps lighted at night like it automatically.

Triac Light Switch circuit

The series of light switches this time slightly different from the stress of work. The series of light switches can work directly on the AC power network. Light switches are using the main component of TRIAC and LDR. The circuit is very simple and the components were sold in the market. If you want a light reception sensitivity of this circuit can be arranged then the 3.3 MOhm resistor can be replaced with a variable resistor. For more details can be seen from the following series of images.

Triac  Light Switch circuit
Triac  Light Switch circuit

Triac  Light Switch circuit series is priciple work as dimers, but dimers of control carried out by the reception of light around the LDR. The lower the intensity cayaha received LDR then semkin bright lights. For installation LDR need to be considered so as not exposed to light from the lamp directly.